Is Babusar Top Open In October?
is babusar top open in October

Babusar Top is 4173 Meter (13690 Ft) on height from the sea level. Babusar Top is 150 KM far from Kalam Valley. As you know that winter season is coming in few days in all areas of Pakistan. Due to this change in weather snowfall starts in north areas of Pakistan.

According to some news snowfall is starts on Babusar Top few days ago. My friend in Babusar Top told me that last week when they awake up in the morning they see some snow on the top of the mountains. It means that the snowfall is now starts on the Babusar Top.

Is Babusar Top Open Now a days?

Yes, Babusar top is open in these days. But as you know that snowfall starts at Babusar Top. This snowfall will increase day by day. Due to this weather condition the all roads towards Babusar Top will closed for every kind of traffic.

Is Babusar Top Open in September?

Yes, in September the Babusar Top Road remain open of tourists. Every type of traffic is allowed to enter in Babusar Top. The Babusar Top Road open in middle of the July to the end of the September.

Is Babusar Top open in October?

Mostly Babusar Top Road remain open from middle of the june to the end of September. Due to heavy snowfall the Babusar Top Road closed in the start of October.

Is Babusar Top Open in November?

No, Babusar Top is closed in the start of October. If you want to go Hunza then you have to use Karakoram highway for your travel. But the distance of Hunza is smaller from Babusar Top road but due to heavy snowfall the road remain closed.

Can we use car to go on Babusar Top?

Yes, absolutely you can easily travel on your car. Because the road of Babusar Top is too wide and clean. Due to this good condition of road you will face no issue to travel on your own car.

Can we see Nanga Parbat from Babusar Top?

The Highest peak of Nanga Parbat can be see from many places. On the way from lulusar lake to Babusar Top, 3KM before you can clearly see the (Murshid) Nanga Parbat snowy peak.

Is Babusar Top is open in December?

No, in December the Babusar Top is completely closed until middle of the June. You can visit Babusar Top after 15th of June.

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